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La Piazza Dario

Authentic Italian Food & Vancouver's Best Kept Secret!

Monday Italiano: Vino

By November 04, 2013 , , , , , , , , , , ,

Today's Italian word is the word for wine!

Maybe vino is an obvious word for most, but we just had to include it in our Monday Italiano series this week! Why? Well we want to share our wonderful wine collection with you; for what is an Italian meal without its wine pairing?!

Wine is just as much a part of Italian culture as the geographic boot shape of the country. All across Italy you will find wine regions and vineyards with unique flavours and grapes! But in spite of the vast Italian wine selection, we like to expand our horizons as well and include only the best wines on our menu, both local and global!

Here are a few snapshots of our collection but you really must come for a visit to be able to truly explore and view our collection that make up our six page wine menu!

See you at La Piazza Dario Ristorante Italiano!

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